Music by Stardust

I’ve been composing quite a bit of music, some of which has been performed, not yet performed, or just planned. If you would like to commission a composition or arrangement, obtain recordings or sheet music, or to perform any of these pieces in public, please contact Stardust at

Performed/Played (listed in order of most recent performance):

  • Metamorphosis
  • Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 1
    Dedication: Urs Leonard Steiner and the Golden Gate Symphony on the transformation of the orchestra from its previous name as the San Francisco Sinfonietta
    Performances: Golden Gate Symphony in Old & New ‘New Music’ at Mission Dolores Basilica, San Francisco, California, on March 14, 2015
    Recordings: Live (Soundcloud), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 3:07

  • Quartet No. 1 for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, and Horn
  • Type: Quartet (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn)
    Movements: 3 (I. Andante, II. Adagio, III. Moderato)
    Dedication: Nathan Coy, Loren Kay Le Jeune, and Corey Weinstein
    Performances: Opus Project Wind Quartet at the Opus 24 concert at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA, on December 27, 2014.
    Recordings: Live (Opus 24 or Opus 24 Video), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: 4:55

  • Sonatina No. 1 for Piano
  • Type: Sonatina No. 1 (piano)
    Movements: 3 (I. Conundrum, II. Melancholy, III. Romance)
    Dedication: Bernhard Ruchti
    Performances: Sonatinas No. 1 and 2 performed by Bernhard Ruchti at world premiere of both Sonatinas in their entirety at the Laurenzen – Vesper concert at the Kirche St. Laurenzen in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on October 24, 2014 (Hansruedi Felix read the Bertoldt Brecht poems accompanying the sonatinas). An arrangement of Movement 2 performed by Bernhard Ruchti at a church service in Switzerland in November 2013.
    Recordings: Live (Sonatinas No. 1 and 2 performed by Bernhard Ruchti at world premiere of both Sonatinas in their entirety at the Laurenzen – Vesper concert at the Kirche St. Laurenzen in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on October 24, 2014; 2nd movement performed by Mark Alburger at Opus 17 on May 31, 2014), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 6:13 (1:38 + 2:46 + 1:40)
    Comments: Expressive, lyrical, and powerful

  • Sonatina No. 2 for Piano
  • Type: Sonatina No. 2 (piano)
    Movements: 3 (I. Fount, II. Pendulum, III. Escalator)
    Dedication: Bernhard Ruchti
    Performances: Sonatinas No. 1 and 2 performed by Bernhard Ruchti at world premiere of both Sonatinas in their entirety at the Laurenzen – Vesper concert at the Kirche St. Laurenzen in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on October 24, 2014 (Hansruedi Felix read the Bertoldt Brecht poems accompanying the sonatinas).
    Recordings: Live (Sonatinas No. 1 and 2 performed by Bernhard Ruchti at world premiere of both Sonatinas in their entirety at the Laurenzen – Vesper concert at the Kirche St. Laurenzen in St. Gallen, Switzerland, on October 24, 2014; 2nd movement performed by Mark Alburger at Opus 17 on May 31, 2014), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 6:04 (2:30 + 1:57 + 1:30)
    Comments: Audience member Regula wrote of the concert: “Das war eine feine schöne Vesper vergangenen Freitag – die wortkargen treffsicheren Liebesgedichte von Brecht und die einzigartige Musik von Stardust. Und wenn man noch das Glück hatte, Stardust mit seiner sympathischen Ausstrahlung, seiner Intelligenz und seinem hohen Engagement zu begegnen…”.

  • Railway Sonata
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 1
    Dedication: N/A
    Performances: Music of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water by the San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra (SFCCO), at Old First Church in San Francisco, California, on October 4, 2014
    Recordings: Live (Soundcloud or SFCCO), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 12:33
    Comments: Inspired by and composed during a transcontinental train journey, Stardust’s “Railway Sonata” incorporates everything from orchestral sound effects to nouveau folk and jazz melodies to convey a sense of traveling on the train.
  • Requite
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 1 (I. Anguish, so far)
    Dedication: N/A
    Performances: Movement 1 performed at Opus 19 by the Opus Project Orchestra in Berkeley, California, on July 26, 2014
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (Movement 1 on Soundcloud)
    Duration: 4:21
  • Romance
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 1 (I. Caprice, so far)
    Dedication: N/A
    Performances: Movement 1 performed at Opus 15 by the Opus Project Orchestra in Berkeley, California, on March 29, 2014
    Recordings: Live (Opus 15), Synthetic (None)
    Duration: 3:51
  • Shifty Trio
    Type: Trio (flute, oboe, clarinet)
    Movements: 1 (I. Perpetraum, so far)
    Dedication: N/A
    Performances: Movement 1 performed at Opus 14 by the Opus Project Trio in Berkeley, California, on February 22, 2014
    Recordings: Live (Movement 1 at Opus 14), Synthetic (Movement 1 on Soundcloud)
    Duration: 3:47
  • Motherequiem
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 1
    Dedication: Anita Bloomfield Doherty (1936-2013)
    Performances: Opus 12 by the Opus Project Orchestra in Berkeley, California, on December 28, 2013
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 4:21
  • Shelter
    Type: Quartet (English horn, bassoon, viola, and cello)
    Movements: 2 (I. Stomping Ground, II. Resting Place)
    Dedication: Leigh Korn
    Performances: Opus 11 by Nat Echols (bassoon), Lewis Patzner (cello), Stardust (English horn), and Kristy Venstrom (viola), in Pleasant Hill, California, on November 30, 2013
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 10:21 (3:42 + 6:39)
    Comments: see Shelter Notes
  • Opus 8
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 1
    Dedication: Mark Alburger and the Opus Project Composers and Players
    Performances: Opus 8 by the Opus Project Orchestra in Berkeley, California, on August 31, 2013
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 3:55
  • Humboldt Quartet
    Type: String Quartet (violin I, violin II, viola, cello)
    Movements: 3 (I. Tiptoe, II. Corny Air, III. Bravura)
    Dedication: Humboldt Chamber Music Workshop
    Performances: Humboldt Chamber Music Workshop, Week 2, July 2013
    Recordings: Live (no public), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 4:47 (0:42 + 2:00 + 2:05)
  • Damage
    Type: Cello Quartet (cello x 4)
    Movements: 1
    Dedication: under negotiation
    Performances: well, it was played during Cello Morning at Humboldt Chamber Music Workshop, Week 2, July 2013
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: est. 4:44
  • Andante sostenuto
    Type: Quartet (oboe, violin, viola, cello)
    Movements: 1
    Dedication: arrangement of Donizetti composition
    Performances: well, it was played at Humboldt Chamber Music Workshop, Week 2, July 2013
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: 4:34
  • Chromafugue
    Type: Trio (oboe, French horn, cello)
    Movements: 3 (I. Inspired by Gordon Jacob, II. Inspired by Gustav Holst, III. Inspired by Eric Ewazen)
    Dedication: Humboldt Chamber Music Workshop
    Performances: Humboldt Chamber Music Workshop, Week 2, July 2012
    Recordings: Live (no public), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 4:33 (0:42 + 1:40 + 2:11)

Not Yet Performed:

  • Familiar Trio
  • Type: Trio (piano, oboe, bassoon)
    Movements: 3 (I. Fanfaronade, II. Limbo, III. DisComposition)
    Dedication: Maria Reeves
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: 7:35

  • Trio Incognito
    Type: Trio (flute, oboe, clarinet)
    Movements: 3 (I. Masque, II. Lament, III. Singularity (or Identity Crisis))
    Dedication: None
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (Soundcloud)
    Duration: 4:45

Planned/Partly Composed:

  • Fallen
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: 5 (I. Quotidian Persecutions, II. Fleeting Happiness, III. Senseless Slaughter, IV. Requiem, V. Redemption)
    Dedication: Transgender victims of violence
    Performances: not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: est. 12:56
  • Occupy
    Type: Opera and/or Symphonic (band)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Occupy movement
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Overtonic
    Type: Quartet (unknown)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: None
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Susan’s Quintet
    Type: Woodwind Quintet (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Susan Kates
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Sanctuary
    Type: Unknown (viola and other instruments)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Elizabeth Galton
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Bassoon Piece
    Type: Unknown (bassoons)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Karen Wright
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Capitulation
  • Type: Unknown
    Movements: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Manning
  • Type: Unknown
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Chelsea Manning
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Family Quintet
  • Type: Quintet (oboe, piano for four hands, violin, viola)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: The Doherty-Walther Clan (Abigail, Sam, Erika, and Dan)
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Bruno’s Lament
  • Type: Trio (flute, violin, piano)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Bruno Cruz
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Unknown
  • Type: Voice and Chamber Ensemble
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: David Zechman
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Genesis
  • Type: Various
    Movements: Unknown (history of musical forms)
    Dedication: None
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • La grande cacaphonie
  • Type: Woodwind Quintet and Unknown
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Unknown (tip of hat to W.A. Mozart)
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Unknown
  • Type: Duet (clarinet or oboe, cello)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Daniel Chamberlin
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
    Comments: Influenced by Mendelssohn and Faure

  • Unknown
  • Type: Unknown (with spoken word, no piano)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Magick Altman
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
    Comments: Fierce warrior passion, nurturing loving mother, frustrating at trying to be authentic, peace with the world, party, dance, and celebration with good times rising out of authenticity

  • Indictment
  • Type: Unknown (choral, piano?)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Elellou
    Type: Symphonic (band)
    Movements: Unknown (I. Elellou, II. Highlife, III. Unknown)
    Dedication: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Charmer
  • Type: Unknown (oboe quartet or oboe and orchestra)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown

  • Jason
    Type: Duet (trumpet, guitar)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Jason
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
    Comments: Flamenco
  • Cantata No. 1
    Type: Vocal Quintet (superius, altus, contratenor, tenor, bassus)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Chromaflight
    Type: Symphonic (orchestra)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
    Comments: Kind of “Psycho”
  • Elemental
    Type: String Quartet (violin, viola, cello, bass)
    Movements: Unknown (I. Surge, Unknown)
    Dedication: Unknown
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Kristy Trio
    Type: String Trio (violin, viola, cello)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Kristy Venstrom
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown
  • Lewis Duo
    Type: Duo (cello, piano)
    Movements: Unknown
    Dedication: Lewis Patzner
    Performances: Not yet performed
    Recordings: Live (none), Synthetic (none)
    Duration: Unknown


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