Election Slate for November 8, 2016

Each election I prepare a slate card for my friends so we can debate how to vote here in San Francisco (and beyond). Thanks to Edward and Ruth for their ballot reading brunch. Here’s what I have so far… I’d love your input (I’ll post comments people submit to me below)–

Elected Offices

U.S. President: Hillary Clinton (if you’re in a battleground state, please vote lesser-of-evils Clinton, rather than Green or Libertarian or whatever, to inflict the least suffering on the largest number of humans and our planet)

U.S. Vice President: Tim Kaine

U.S. Senator: Kamala Harris

U.S. Representative: Picus, a Bernie Democrat running as an independent, as protest against Pelosi (thanks to Edward for changing my mind on this one)

California State Senator: Jane Kim (don’t even get me started on Wiener)

California State Assemblymember: David Chiu

Judge of the Superior Court, Office No. 7: Victor Hwang

San Francisco Board of Education (up to four):

Stevon Cook
Matt Haney
Mark Sanchez
Rachel Norton

San Francisco Community College Board (up to four):

Shanell Williams
Tom Temprano
Alex Randolph
(I can’t bring myself to vote for Rafael Mandelman due to his collaboration with the forces taking over City College and the other candidate is worse)

BART Director District 9: Bevan Dufty

San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 1: Sandra Lee Fewer (crucial to keeping a progressive majority, thanks Gabriel!)

San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 3: Aaron Peskin

San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 5: Dean Preston

San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 7: Norman Yee

San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 9: Hilary Ronen (you have three choices for ranked voting, but the others aren’t worthy of a ranking in my opinion)

San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 11: Kimberly Alveranga (crucial to keeping a progressive majority, thanks Gabriel!)

California Propositions

51: No (especially because of the $500 million in charter school funding)
52: Yes
53: No
54: Yes
55: Yes
56: Yes
57: Yes
58: Yes
59: Yes (finally made it to the ballot this year)
60: No (does nothing to increase safer sex while anyone could sue adult film industry)
61: No (may result in increased drug prices and red tape delays)
62: Yes (abolish the death penalty! although the forced labor section is suboptimal)
63: Yes
64: Yes (legalize it!)
65: No
66: No
67: Yes

Regional Proposition

RR: Yes

San Francisco Propositions

A: Yes
B: Yes
C: Yes
D: Yes
E: Yes
F: Yes
G: Yes
H: Yes
I: Yes
J: Yes
K: Yes
L: Yes
M: Yes
N: Yes
O: No (proponents still haven’t built housing promised with prior proposition)
P: No (city forced to reject good bid if three bids not received)
Q: No
R: No
S: Yes
T: Yes
U: No (misleadingly named trick by developers)
V: Yes
W: Yes
X: Yes

Election Slate for June 7, 2016

Each year I prepare a slate card for my friends so we can debate how to vote here in San Francisco (and beyond). Here’s what I have so far… I’d love your input (I’ll post comments people submit to me below)–

U.S. President: Bernie Sanders

U.S. Senate: Kamala Harris

State Senate District 11: Jane Kim

Superior Court Judge office no. 7: Victor Hwang

Democratic County Central Committee (17th AD):

The Reform Slate is Alysabeth Alexander, Tom Ammiano, David Campos, Petra DeJesus, Bevan Dufty, Jon Golinger, Pratima Gupta, Frances Hsieh, Jane Kim, Sophie Maxwell, Aaron Peskin, Leroy Wade Woods, Cindy Wu

{Note: Upon further reflection, and thanks to my friend Harry and the AFT 2121, I’ve decided not to vote for Rafael Mandelman due to his long record of poor decision making on the City College of San Francisco Board of Trustees.}

California Proposition

50: Yes

Regional Proposition

AA: Yes {Folks at the Bay Guardian disapprove of this proposition due to the precedent it sets for creation of a tax for a regional authority that is not very democratically administered.}

San Francisco Propositions

Proposition A: Yes

Proposition B: No

Proposition C: Yes

Proposition D: Yes

Proposition E: Yes

Volunteering at Alemany Farm

Stardust at Alemany Farm
I had a wonderful time volunteering at Alemany Farm. The farm is a fairly short walk from my house. I learned about crops that would be best to plant at this time of year in my backyard garden. Although the weather had been quite cold and rainy, the sun peeked through the clouds for much of the afternoon and we had no rain that day, so volunteering there was quite pleasant. The regular volunteers are experienced gardeners and provided lots of good advice.

Alameny FarmI started with lots of weeding, including removing some weeds the size of small trees!

Stardust Harvesting Brussel SproutsOne benefit of volunteering is that you get to bring home some of the produce that you harvest. We harvested some Yacón root, as well as kale, lettuce, and brussel sprouts.

Alameny FarmI took a cutting of some yarrow and this plant with beautiful red flowers on the right side of this photo.

Election Slate for November 3, 2015

Each year I prepare a slate card for my friends so we can debate how to vote here in San Francisco (and beyond). Here’s what I have so far… I’d love your input (I’ll post comments people submit to me below)–

San Francisco Offices

Board of Supervisors, District 3: Aaron Peskin
(most important race on the ballot, please vote if you’re in this district!)

Mayor: NOT Ed Lee (rank 1: Francisco Herrera, rank 2: Amy Farah Weiss)

Sheriff: Ross Mirkarimi (rank 1)

City Attorney: Dennis Herrera (only candidate)

District Attorney: George Gascon (only candidate)

Treasurer: Jose Cisneros (only candidate)

Community College Board: Wendy Aragon

San Francisco Propositions

Proposition A: Yes (affordable housing)

Proposition B: Yes (city employee parental leave)

Proposition C: No (remove grassroots organization requirement)

Proposition D: Yes (good compromise with commitment to 40% affordable housing, more than any other private project in SF history)

Proposition E: Yes (broadcast city meetings on Internet, permit comment by Internet)

Proposition F: Yes (regulate short-term rentals to protect SF rental housing stock)

Proposition G: No (even PGE doesn’t want this anymore)

Proposition H: Yes (local clean energy whenever possible)

Proposition I: Yes (temporarily halt non-affordable-housing development projects to create housing stabilization plan for the Mission)

Proposition J: Yes (preserve legacy businesses and non-profits)

Proposition K: Yes (expands affordable housing)

How This Trans Woman Is Making #FreeTheNipple As Inclusive As Possible

“Courtney Demone is a trans woman currently undergoing hormone replacement therapy and, as such, is starting to grow breasts. This experience, she wrote in a Mashable essay published Wednesday, has led her to realize the power of #FreeTheNipple in a new way — and how it can truly benefit others.

“‘When people start to consistently see me as a woman, my privilege to be comfortably topless in public will be gone for good,’ she writes. ‘We can challenge that.’

Demone’s solution? She’s launching the hashtag #DoIHaveBoobsNow and will post topless images of herself on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. She will do so, she writes, “until those networks decide that my breasts have developed enough to be sexualized and worthy of censorship” or, ideally, change their policies.

More at Mic

Transgender Woman Says TSA Detained, Humiliated Her Over Body ‘Anomaly’

“A transgender woman said she was detained and harassed at an Orlando, Fla., airport security checkpoint Monday by Transportation Safety Administration agents after a body scanner detected an ‘anomaly’ on her.

“Shadi Petosky, who runs a Los Angeles interactive entertainment studio, said she was trying to fly out of Orlando International Airport but was stopped after entering the scanner.

“In her tweets about the situation, Petosky said that TSA agents calibrated the scanner for a woman, and the machine flagged an anomaly — ‘my penis.’

“She said she ‘disclosed [her] reality immediately,’ but the situation quickly escalated: Over the course of 40 minutes, Petosky said, officials patted her down twice, ‘fully disassembled’ her luggage and put her in an empty room with an officer holding the door.

“At one point, she said, an agent told her to ‘get back in the machine as a man or it was going to be a problem.’

“The ordeal caused her to miss her flight, she said….”

More at LA Times

First Library to Support Anonymous Internet Browsing Effort Stops After DHS Email

“Used in repressive regimes by dissidents and journalists, Tor is considered a crucial tool for freedom of expression and counts the State Department among its top donors. But Tor has been a thorn in the side of law enforcement; National Security Agency documents made public by Snowden have revealed the agency’s frustration that it could only identify a “very small fraction” of Tor users….”

“Faced with police and city concerns, library director Fleming agreed to turn off the Tor relay temporarily until the board could reconsider. “We need to find out what the community thinks,” he said. “The only groups that have been represented so far are the Police Department and City Hall.”

More at ProPublica

Labor Membership Boosts Incomes, Families And Economy

“A new report presented by the Center for American Progress co-authored with economists Richard Freeman and Eunice Han is only the latest look at how labor unions enable working people to do better. The report, “Bargaining for the American Dream: What Unions do for Mobility,” looks at “economic mobility” and “intergenerational mobility” and finds that mobility is better where unions are strong….

“The study found that areas with higher union membership demonstrate more mobility for low-income children:

● Low-income children rise higher in the income rankings when they grow up in areas with high union membership.
● An increase in union density is associated with an increase in the income of an area’s children – as much as or more than high school dropout rates.
● Children of non-college-educated fathers earn more if their father was in a labor union….”

Black Arts: The $800 Million Family Selling Art Degrees and False Hopes

Academy of Art University expose:

“…Stephens has plenty to celebrate. Since taking over as president of the family-owned Academy of Art University more than two decades ago, she’s transformed the 86-year-old for-profit institution from a regional operation into America’s largest private art university. Under her watch enrollment has skyrocketed from 2,200 to 16,000, generating an estimated $300 million in annual revenues, heavily subsidized by federal student loans. The Stephens family has turned that pile of art-school tuition into one of the largest real estate empires in San Francisco, with more than 40 properties in prime areas, including a historic former cannery on Fisherman’s Wharf and a 138,000-square-foot office building steps from City Hall. In all, the real estate is worth an estimated $420 million, net of debt, and the family pulls in tens of millions of dollars each year leasing these buildings back to the Academy of Art for classrooms and dorms….”

More at Forbes