Nate Redux

Last Saturday, Nate agreed to meet me for lunch today. Yesterday evening, he contacted me to break off the lunch date. Well, everyone has their limits and I’ve reached mine. I won’t continue to try to talk with someone who apparently has little or no interest in me or even the simplest commitments they make with me. I suspect Nate doesn’t have the courage to confront me simply with what he feels, although he did finally say it wasn’t going to work out. He did it in a way that leaves me feeling like the cat is still playing with the mouse long after it’s expired. And now that I’m no longer responding at all, he’s sending me more messages than ever. May he find the bravery he needs to overcome his demons and acheive fulfillment.

Rough Week, Manifest Love

The connection with Nate has generated quite a rough experience for me. Our second date was kind of like a date from high school where we talked about really interesting stuff like art, then made out kissing for awhile. He decided he didn’t want me to spend the night sleeping with him… he’s only ever slept the night with seven guys in his life. So he gave me a ride home. We made out again in the car in front of my place, then I got out and went to bed. I knew he had a date the next evening with two guys who were boyfriends and said something odd had happened, although he hasn’t told me what it was. I sent him an email asking him if he wanted to chat after the date and I got back an email the next morning saying that he had gone to bed with his greatest love, his cat. I didn’t really hear much from Nate after that, so I started wondering if he was as interested in me as I in him. I had somehow let him reach deep into a vulnerable place in my being with our talk about dating and an earlier three-hour discussion providing emotional support for him around a traumatic break with one of his best friends and how it relates to some of the issues he grew up with. Anyway, I had an expectation that he was as excited as I to keep in ongoing contact. That proved not to be the case. When he didn’t contact me or reply to my messages as soon as he could at first as he had agreed to do in setting up our next meeting, I got really upset. I found myself starting to sob at moments, even while at work. On Tuesday evening, I had a really rough night. I met with a guy named Dex who comforted me after work, but I didn’t want to spend the night with him, so I rode my bike home. I got to sleep ok, but then woke at 3:30am with a really strong pain in my heart and my whole being. Intuitively, I felt that Nate was no longer interested and, since I had become so vulnerable to my connection with him, the idea that he might be just writing me off was very painful for me. I tried contacting Nate by phone and briefly saw him cruising online at around 5am, so left him messages there which he tells me he didn’t get until the next day, commenting that I seemed “frantic.” When my housemate Jack woke up on Wednesday morning, I went to hug him and broke down sobbing for several minutes. I’m glad Jack was there. Crying it out made my feelings easier to handle. My Irish friend John also helped me with advice. I sent Nate an email asking if his feelings for me had changed on Thursday. Thursday evening I went to the Lesekreis as usual, then had dinner with Ciaran (formerly Tony) Dellaferra, Tim, and Nelson, all former MIT students. On our bike ride home after dinner, Nelson really opened up to me about his trials and tribulations and gave me some advice around sex and romantic love addiction. I’m still considering how that advice plays into my situation. Friday Nate got back to me through an online message saying that he received the email but didn’t have time to answer fully before his doctor’s appointment for an HIV test, at which he also planned to ask the doctor about HPV. I wished him well for the doctor’s appointment and for the date I knew he had previously scheduled for Friday evening. I had a date on Friday evening which ended up not being a strong connection, although I felt emotionally stable throughout the date. Afterwards, I went to an event called Manifest Love which was an interesting description of the values of the gay male community which we don’t broadcast much among ourselves or the larger society. It was a kickoff for a more experiential weekend event, but I didn’t choose to go for that. Most of the guys there were older than I am… it didn’t feel quite right for me. I realized how much I am missing a faerie gathering, especially since the Samhain gathering didn’t happen this year at Farmer John’s place in Carmel Valley. I’m really looking forward to the Breitenbush gathering. So, I’m left still wondering what will happen to my connection with Nate.

I’m also left wondering about the pattern I’ve had this past year of rather unrealistically romantic and unsuccessful connections with guys like Paul, Cob, and now possibly Nate. Am I acting from a place of deep loneliness that has grown in the 6-7 years since Rico and I broke up with each other? Am I feeling more inadequate as I get older and less desirable to the mainstream gay community? Am I going through self-esteem issues that make me seem less confident and therefore less attractive to potential partners? Is the societal fabric of relations changing into a more transactional model where longer-term attachments are not part of the mainstream of gay life? (has it perhaps always been that way and I am just now figuring it out?) Or did many potential partners die as a result of the AIDS epidemic? Am I dealing with sex addiction issues that cause me to focus on guys I’m interested in as sexual objects, rather than as vibrant full human beings? Am I dealing with romantic addiction issues that cause me to project potential boyfriendhood onto guys without really getting to know who they are and if we actually have enough in common to pursue dating? Am I so desperate to get into a deep and loving relationship that I fool myself too quickly into trusting what could be there and then it feels like it backfires on me in a really painful way?All these questions and more are reeling around in my head.

Following my friends’ advice, I am trying to think more about what makes me feel comfortable in my life and focusing on how to bring more of those things into my life. Nelson suggested I try an experiment Thursday evening of not going immediately to my email and my phone messages when I got home to see if Nate had called, but instead doing what I wanted for myself… to take a shower and read until I went to sleep. I was able to do that, so perhaps I’m not as addiction-oriented as I thought.

Another thought is that this may not be all just about me. Nate has a lot of stuff going on his life, including possible sex addiction issues as he has set up lots of dates with guys for sex. He told me he would try to reduce the number of dates and that I should be patient with him because if I am then I would have everything I want with him. A friend thought this could be a typical hustler type line with Nate leading me on. I know I’m having difficulty with the experience. I’m not clear on how I’m supposed to be patient, for how long and in what way? I’m feeling like there’s not enough communication coming from him for me to feel secure in the connection. I feel a bit obsessive, yet driven to be more obsessive when the communication isn’t there. He doesn’t communicate with me well even though I told him it would mean a lot to me to know when we would next meet. I’m learning a valuable lesson about what happens when someone isn’t available to communicate with me or doesn’t communicate with me the way I would like — how I react and how I could react differently.

New Friends or More?

On Thursday evening, I met Nate. We were supposed to have dinner together on Friday, but both of us had dates Thursday evening and had agreed we would rather be meeting each other than our dates. Our dates were as expected and so we got together rather late in the evening after our parting with the dates. Nate came to my place and we talked about lots of wonderful things as we had previously on the phone. Only this time, we also made out. Perhaps not so wisely, we went to bed together as well. We made love while tired and it wasn’t as mind-blowing as he had hoped I think. I’m really interested in him still. He decided to go home rather than spending the night at my place… apparently he has only slept the night with about seven people in his whole life! When he got home, his temporary roommate had moved out in a huff leaving junk strewn around his house and the front door wide open. He was angry until he realized she may be really losing it, then started to worry about her.

Nate has a great father and had a great mother who passed away due to cancer. He has two brothers who are harder to get along with. He went to school at University of Chicago in the Grey City. He has a cat and owns his home in the East Bay. He’s starting his own business, but considering contract work as well.

Today, I met with Echo, a guy from Gay Shame who I’d met at the Harvey’s boycott action. We talked for hours. He’s an activist and an intellectual so I felt a good rapport withhim even though he isn’t boyfriend material for me. We talked about lots of topics from Foucault to Starhawk and others, as well as about systems theory, relationships, local politics, and a broad mix of other topics.

Rejection and Transience

Since both prospective parent Nina and potential longhair dating partner David have told me that things are not going to happen as I had hoped, I experienced fairly strong feelings of rejection.

On top of a flu with headaches and following a surgical procedure on my butt, I’d have to say this hasn’t been my favorite month.

I find myself wanting to cacoon at home a lot, eat healthy and not-so-healthy foods (ice cream, garlic bread made with real butter!), and watch lots of movies.

Last night, I was tossing and turning when I normally would have been sleeping. I woke up looking out through the dark fog out my window. I pleasured myself. I felt lonely and tried some little consolations like holding my own hand, petting my own hair, and visualizing cuddling with someone I love.

After awhile, I had a kind of revelation — that the rejection I was feeling had more to do with timing and circumstance than with any real deficiencies on my part. I had a sense of the transience of individual human connections and the emergence of overall patterns of caring at the social level. I felt comforted by the vision, pleasured myself once again, and finally got some more sleep!

Irish John Update

Well, Irish John is back in Dublin after getting together with me a couple more times on his visit to San Francisco. He tested some of my limits, actually persuading me to walk the streets and bars of SOMA in collar and lead. I always say that I will try the experiences that I am willing to do to others and this experience was quite interesting. Sometimes, I was taking in all that was around me. Other times, I focused specifically on John and his desires, especially as he was leading me through a crowd of people on the street. At the Powerhouse, we were on the back patio watching some guys have sex when one guy noticed that he no longer had his wallet. At one point in between two bars, I needed to pee and John didn’t get me to a bathroom quickly enough, so I just did it right on the street! Luckily, no cops were around. We also got a guy off in the Hole in the Wall bar together. I was licking his nipples and kissing his belly while John kissed his mouth. He came on one of the benches in the back and wiped it up with napkins.

John and I had more tame visits after that, discussing politics and relationships. We had brunch at a place called Cafe Mason in Union Square, which was quite fancy and fun, and better than Max’s according to John.

John and I are still chatting, so when he returned home, I found out that John’s boyfriend Neil had gone to spend the night at his parent’s place. John seemed upset and thinks they are probably breaking up.

Co-Parent Nina and Irish John

On Saturday morning, I biked over to Jumpin’ Java on Noe Street to meet with a prospective co-parent named Nina. She seems like a wonderful woman, 38 years old, living in San Francisco, with a clear desire to co-parent with a guy, rather than going the donor or uncle route.

I spent most of the weekend with a fun guy from Dublin named John who reminds me a bit of an older version of my former housemate Diarmid. We ate at my favorite restaurants in the Castro, that is, Nirvana and La Meditaranee. (Well, there’s also that Thai restaurant across from the Midnight Sun.) We made love a lot and walked around the Mission district through the mural alley and did the Mission Dolores tour. He’s here for a week-and-a-half more, so we may meet up again. He’s not boyfriend potential because he lives in Dublin and already has a boyfriend named Neil, a cute young actor and perverse playwright.

Seattle Trip, Evolving Cob

A week spent vacationing in Seattle with my family and with Cob convinced me that Cob and I are not boyfriend candidates, at least well into the future. The upside is that we both seemingly want to continue to be friends with one another.

The trip was wonderful in many ways. I cooked a meal for 10 family members on Friday evening and got lots of wonderful feedback for doing so. I reconnected with Dad in some nice ways, with good conversation and lots, perhaps too much, technical support on the computer. I met Dad’s new partner Mariel who was very friendly and welcoming. I spent an afternoon hanging out with Mom, sharing stories and tiny glasses of Vermeer, a chocolate liqueur we both like. Cob met my family and played his viol, even singing a tune along with it. I had lots of time to hang out with my three nephews, Alex, Sam, and Zach, who are all growing up in wondrous ways.

Cob and I took Monday and Tuesday on a road trip to the towns and countryside around Gold Bar and Index. We hiked up Wallace Falls and I got to jump into the freezing cold river water at the top of the falls before hiking back down through all the wonderful forests and seeing all the expansive views on the way down. We found a wonderful place to stay called the Rose Hill Bed & Breakfast. Moon, the proprietor, welcomed us warmly although we arrived without a reservation at 7pm on Labor Day! Fortunately for us, her place was available because it was a large apartment with crazy interior decorating and wonderful views of the mountains around Index. Moon, Jacob, and I got on fabulously… she recommended to Cob that he move to San Francisco and could tell how taken I am with him.

On the drive back to Seattle, Cob made it clear to me that he felt my romantic interest in him was blocking our relationship from developing into a solid friendship. I mourned the lost days we could have spent together as partners and lovers and let go. I told him I would never kiss him or ask him to make love again unless he someday lets me know it’s ok to do so. He said he wanted some space to himself my last evening in Seattle, which hurt a bit, but again I just let go.

Instead, after hanging out with my father, I went to visit my friend J Steve and we spent a pleasant evening eating dinner, chatting in front of the public library near his apartment, and cuddling all night to make love in the morning. His style of connecting with me physically felt much less restrained than with Cob as of late, so it was all part of a healing process for me, even though J Steve is partnered with Drake who lives in Bend.

I hate it when I get into a despairing mood about my ability to partner with someone. Sometimes a lengthy queue of prospective partners of the past works its way through my mind in a gloomy procession of seemingly failed connections. When I look at it all intellectually, it seems silly. I remind myself that I would make a wonderful partner, even as I have doubts that there is somehow something wrong with me that has prevented deep long-term romantic connections since Rico and I broke up in 1996.

Pansy Division

After seeing Urinetown the play, I left Jack to head over to Cafe du Nord to see what is probably Pansy Division’s last San Francisco concert of the year. They played a really rocking set with some new and some old songs. They got the crowd dancing quite a bit, which was great to enjoy. Jon even said “hi” to me from the stage. I met Lorna and Mark there and they gave me a ride home.

Relationship Struggle

I’m still struggling along with dating people trying to meet someone with whom I truly feel compatible. Over the past few weeks, I’ve met some really interesting people and I’ve enjoyed some interesting dates, but compatibility enough for long-term dating evaded me with the most recent candidates.

I have another date tomorrow evening… we’ll see how that goes.

I’m working hard, which perhaps prevents me sometimes from meeting new prospects, but also no doubt consoles me by providing productive pursuits as an alternative. I decided not to attend any faerie gatherings this summer, primarily to get going on much-needed renovations of my home, and that may also be contributing to a sense of lacking companionship.

I’m also in an ongoing dialog with Cob, building our friendship in hopes that it could blossom. He seems to be considering spending the winter at Wolf Creek, rather than moving in here to 304 Winfield, which would be a sore disappointment for me, since I was so looking forward to his company. The silver lining to the cloud is that we will most likely spend a lot of time together when I go up to visit my family in Seattle over an extended Labor Day weekend, although Cob will be working at the bookstore on Friday – Sunday evenings, which is quite understandable since he is in dire need of funds.

Open Letter to Barebackers, Bug Chasers, and You Who Don’t Care

Dear Barebackers, Bug Chasers, and You Who Don’t Care,

I’m all for freedom, so my first thought is to tell you, “Go for it, find your own way through this life. Do whatever you like as long as you aren’t hurting others.” I would never sic the law on you for consensual adult activities like fucking without a condom or using crystal meth because I believe in your personal liberty.

Our culture has caused problems for every one of us in one way or another. Growing up with a constant stream of abuse and discrimination against queer people — whether or not directed specifically at any one of us — takes its toll on all of us. Some struggle to have pride because we didn’t have it before. Some become macho men to counter the stereotype that fags are sissies. And some assimilate into queer consumer culture claiming that we no longer face discrimination so we no longer have to fight for our rights.

I was a big drug user. It started in high school as a way to find acceptance, to hang around hot guys among the stoner crowd and to avoid dealing with my attractions to them. Fortunately for me, my drugs of choice weren’t really addictive. I didn’t get trapped in a box of using and needing to use more until my body started to waste away. But some of my friends got addicted and more likely will.

I fucked a lot too. In college, we had a club where you had to have sex with two other members at the same time to join. Fortunately for me, my sex of choice wasn’t really risky. I prefer being a top, so once AIDS came around, it was fairly easy to avoid getting fucked without a condom. But some of my friends fucked unsafely a lot and more likely will.

In the earlier days of the disease, I stood by helplessly as my friend Richard, who had AIDS, lost his mind and lost control of his body, screaming incoherently as they dragged him off to the hospital where he went to die.

Even with the drugs available today, friends who have HIV often have to pop pills multiple times every day, fighting off the side effects of the meds. Some face troublesome health complications and others just don’t make it because they get drug-resistant strains of the disease or decide not to seek conventional treatment until it’s too late.

I stood by helplessly as my friend Todd got hooked on meth. Looking for love in the raver crowd, he did what everyone else wanted him to do until his body shrank, his face grew gaunt, and he got nervous ticks and twitches. He couldn’t concentrate on anything anymore and, as he says, the drug became “an evil necessity” so that he couldn’t have sex or function at all without it. He got HIV while he was high. And reaching rock bottom with an overdose, he’s actually one of the luckier ones who had the resources to get into a rehab clinic and try to clean himself up.

When I go the bars, the sex clubs, or the chat rooms online, I see lots of guys cruising for bareback sex and pnp (party ‘n play), using drugs for sex. I read that the rates of younger and older queer guys getting HIV are going up. Then, we have the higher rates of suicide, especially among queer youth.

I’m writing to you because I care and it’s tearing me up inside to watch you and live among you.

I want to live in a place where we have faced the odds stacked against us and responded by connecting and taking care of each other, living fulfilling lives in a supportive community.

I want to live in a place where we have exorcised the personal demons of low self-esteem and self-destruction — whatever the combination of internal struggle or external abuse that caused them — and responded by taking care of ourselves so we can live fulfilling lives in a supportive community.

It seems like most everyone is at a loss for how to prevent these problems.

My intuition is that it starts with caring.

Caring enough to see the people inside the bodies in the cars and walking down the street. Caring enough to tell people it’s totally fine to be queer in this crazy homophobic era. Caring enough to love people with the color of their skin and the cultures they come from. Caring enough to love people of the gender we don’t necessarily want to fuck. Caring enough to love people in whatever place they come from enough to offer a helping hand when we can and when it helps, rather than hinders, the situation. Caring enough to take action for constructive social change. Caring enough to discuss drug use and sex practices with our friends. Caring enough to choose not to pass HIV on to others.

And most important, caring enough about ourselves to get to a place beyond low self-esteem, drug abuse, unsafe sex, and self-destruction to a place of heightened self-esteem, hot sex that affirms life, and friendships that form a community of support that strengthens us all.