La Belle Ville de Paris

I’ve returned to Paris after many years away for one day after heading onward on my vacation.

Here’s some of what I saw:

The photos include anti-eviction activists camping in Place de la République, the Porte Saint-Dénis, the staff of an excellent, informal, organic, vegan restaurant called Sol Semilla, gay bars including Cox and Open, a building at one point occupied by the Knights Templar, and various grafitti and art.

Final Ruling for Air Travel With Musical Instruments

“As of March 6, 2015, it’s official and no longer at the discretion of the various airlines. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, musicians who board planes must be allowed to carry on their instruments provided they fit in the overhead bin. If this space isn’t large enough, the musician is also permitted to purchase a second seat in which to stow their musical companion. One caveat: the airlines don’t have to prioritize musical instruments ahead of any other carry-on luggage, so if the bins are full, you’ll still have to check your instrument at the gate. To remedy this, the DoT suggests that musicians may want to pay the airline’s fee for priority boarding to ensure that there will be room for their gear.

Read the final ruling here, and for additional information, please review the Transportation Security Administration’s guide for traveling with musical instruments.”

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Family Visit in Seattle

The visit to family in Seattle went well. I saw my brother and sister and their families, as well as my father and a woman named Linda he is dating, plus my mother who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, she is a bit worse off than my last visit. She appears more frail and uses a walker to get around. I arranged my visit to coincide with the visit of my first boyfriend Douglas’ visit, since he was coming for his brother’s wedding. By a strange coincidence, my sister and brother know the bride, so I ended up babysitting my niece, three nephews, and the son of a family friend who also knows the bride during the festivities. The next day, Douglas and I took my mother out for dinner at an Italian restaurant in Edmonds and had a wonderful time.

Here are the pictures to prove it. 😉 Thanks to Douglas for the pictures at the restaurant taken on his camera, one of them snapped by the helpful waiter.