Heart Pillow

I hold a pillow to my heart to remind
me of the power of human touch.
I scratch my left big toe nail on the
inside of the arch of my right foot.

This astronaut pillow molds to my
flesh and I massage between my left
toes with the right side of my right foot.

What possible difference could freedom make?
The call of a thousand terns squawking in self-denial.
When does our spirit become saturated or
Is there empty spirit evermore?

Two Trees

Two trees grew side by side
nourished by the same soil
their roots intertwining slowly
year after year.

Two trees who as their trunks widened grew taller and taller
shading each other from the harsh heat of the sun
sheltering each other from the harsh winds of the storms
leaves and twigs falling mixed on the ground.

Limb in limb growing
root reaching root
solid on their own
together two trees.

(For Philip.)

Enemy Combatants

We hang trial less
In Basra, Gitmo, Abu Grahib, and
Uncountable CIA prisons.
Lieutenants and privates from
Britain and the grand old USA
Order us to buttfuck and
Wear a girls’ bra or
Panties on our heads.
Bound in netting or
Suspended on a forklift,
Duct tape prevents us
From murmuring Koranic verses.
After five months in solitary,
They give us their damnedest
20 hours a day.
Helmets and camouflage,
Broomsticks and chairs,
Smash our bloody faces on walls,
Knee our kidneys.
Call us gay
Sons and brothers of whores.
Strip us naked,
Heads in each others’ crotches.
Pile us on top of each other,
Hoods numbered.
Roll us in piss and shit,
Punch, kick, and sodomize us.
Standing on boxes, handcuffed,
Shackled to prison bars,
Leashed before barking dogs.
Standing inquisitional
Black hood and shroud
Electrodes running wires attached to…
Only some soldiers’ grinning notion.
Orders from above:
Guards’ green plastic gloves,
Thumbs up!  For a
Job well done.

Copyleft (CC-by-sa) 2005 by Will Doherty

de cerca

te sientas con las piernas cruzadas
haciéndome frente
mis piernas sobre las tuyas
rodillas a los tendones de la corva
las raíces pusieron a tierra
espinazos que zumban
manos en cada otros corazones
ojos a los ojos
el tercer ojo emerge

de cerca
y cerca

de lejos

soporte en un paso abajo
charla en su oído
muchedumbre ruido música
tire de mí llano
empuje su pecho en el míos
pezones que zumban vientre abajo
reunión de los arcos
la bebida agarra lujuria que cuida
llevándonos abajo

miramos a esos izquierda detrás
conclusión asentado
otra vez en las

sus labios y mina llenos
presione entonces profundo ligero
acaricio hombros
pelo largo a través de los dedos
ojo al ojo
piel reluciente
abrace entonces aparte

junto otra vez
sacar fotos sonrientes
bebemos el néctar de la guayaba
de mi pecho
de su vientre
lamo sus pezones
el jackfruit maduro cuelga oscilante
de un rama erguido

madera firme de la selva
plantado profundamente
el corazón golpea el corazón
lengüeta a sudar
jugos tropicales

y lejos
de lejos
palabras de la escritura

from afar

stand on a step below
talk in your ear
crowd noise music
pull me level
push your chest on mine
tits tingling belly down
arcs meet
drink seizes caring lust
carrying us down

gaze to those left behind
ending seated
again on

your full lips and mine
press light then deep
caress shoulders
long hair through fingers
eye to eye
shimmering skin
embrace then apart

together again
snap smiling pictures
drink guava nectar
from my chest
from your belly
lick your teats
you cry out
jackfruit hangs pendulous
from an erect branch

firm jungle wood
planted deep
heart pounding heart
tongue to sweat
tropical juices

and away
from afar
writing words