Vivek Out, Cob Maybe In?

I’m very excited by the possibility that Cob may move in to 304 Winfield Street to fill the vacancy left by Vivek when he moves to Washington, DC, for a job.

Cob has wonderful ideas about fresh-baked bread, organic gardening, and other ways to help out around the house while he is pursuing his study of music and memory techniques, such as memory palaces.

I think he would bring wonderful gifts to our home, as well as to me personally.

He currently estimates a better than half chance he will move in, although he’s also considering a possible situation in Portland, Maine, and he told me to go ahead and advertise the room in case he isn’t able to move here.

Yesterday, I called Grammy (Ruth Bloomfield) to wish her a happy birthday. She tells me she is getting blind and deaf, but otherwise is in reasonable health. She praised her children (my mother Anita and my uncle Mark) and especially her husband (Grampy aka Alexander Bloomfield) for taking such good care of her. She asked me to come visit again soon, which I definitely should try to do somehow, although I haven’t been in traveling mode lately.

Today is Virginia Davidson’s birthday, so I have to remember to call her as well to arrange for some kind of get-together. I love the hermaphrodite mask she recently gave me, which I have hung in the stairwell mask gallery at my place. It extends the collection of miniature hermaphrodite sculptures she has given me in the past.

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