Terry Is a Gay Thief!

Before heading to Seattle, Terry paid me a visit yesterday for some yummy sex followed by Tartine’s morning buns and a southern Indian brunch at Dosa’s then a hilarious movie called “Eating Out” and some more yummy sex. 

He recently told me a story about when he was a child. He had gradually pilfered more and more cash from his elder brother’s cookie jar, full of his savings, until Terry started to feel really guilty about it. He went to his sister for his advice and said, “There is something I really need to talk with you about.” She replied, “Is this about you being gay?” He said, “No, I stole some of my brother’s money and want your advice about what to do.” “Sit him down and explain what happened… it will turn out fine.” Then Terry went to his brother and said, “There is something I really need to talk with you about.” His brother replied, “Is this about you being gay?” “No, it’s not! Remember your cookie jar with the money in it?” “Yeah.” “Well, I hope this doesn’t make you mad, but I’ve been taking some of it from time to time and now it’s all gone.”

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