Pagan Peace Surprise

Update: About 60 pagans and friends gathered in San Francisco’s Union Square today to wage peace and amplify love. Participants cast a circle, invoked the directions, and spoke from the heart about why the war in Iraq cannot be alllowed to happen. They handed out flyers and leaflets to passersby, some of whom joined the circle, and chalked a large circle and peace, spiral, and yin-yang symbols on the pavement, then filled them in with colored sand. Some local students who had walked out from their high school joined the circle. After channeling energy to wage peace and prevent war, they opened the circle and sang while sweeping up the sand to bring it to the ocean. “Ish ka la ma bood le la. La la e la. The ocean refuses no river, no river. The ocean refuses no river, no river.”

See pics on Indymedia at:
Today we’re doing a Pagan Peace Surprise as part of the March 5 Moratorium activities to wage page against a war in Iraq.

Monday evening I went to Black Cat house for the first time to help organize the Pagan Peace Surprise. It was about seven women, a faerie named Cougar who came because of a notice I forwarded to the local faerie email list, and myself.
We decided the action will include casting a circle and perhaps a spiral dance and that we will mark the directions using chalk symbols that we will fill in with colored sand.

One of the women organizers was Starhawk, who lives in that house. I admire Starhawk immensely for her politics and her writing integrating politics and spirituality, so it felt really good to have time to get to know her better.

I told her about the ballot propositions for participatory budget and for secession of San Francisco and she seemed interested, providing a suggestion about how to locate an attorney who might be familiar with the ballot process in San Francisco.

Everyone is marvelling about the fact that 11 million people protested against the war on Feb 15-16. It may be the largest protest ever from the human race. And yet the senseless bombing of Iraqi civilians may happen nonetheless. Let’s hope not. Perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg with a major shift in global politics and economy about to take place. Let’s hope so. May that shift be toward empowerment of those who are disempowered and about dimishing inequalities of wealth and poverty while respecting the dignity and human rights of everyone. Peace now!

de lejos

soporte en un paso abajo
charla en su oído
muchedumbre ruido música
tire de mí llano
empuje su pecho en el míos
pezones que zumban vientre abajo
reunión de los arcos
la bebida agarra lujuria que cuida
llevándonos abajo

miramos a esos izquierda detrás
conclusión asentado
otra vez en las

sus labios y mina llenos
presione entonces profundo ligero
acaricio hombros
pelo largo a través de los dedos
ojo al ojo
piel reluciente
abrace entonces aparte

junto otra vez
sacar fotos sonrientes
bebemos el néctar de la guayaba
de mi pecho
de su vientre
lamo sus pezones
el jackfruit maduro cuelga oscilante
de un rama erguido

madera firme de la selva
plantado profundamente
el corazón golpea el corazón
lengüeta a sudar
jugos tropicales

y lejos
de lejos
palabras de la escritura

from afar

stand on a step below
talk in your ear
crowd noise music
pull me level
push your chest on mine
tits tingling belly down
arcs meet
drink seizes caring lust
carrying us down

gaze to those left behind
ending seated
again on

your full lips and mine
press light then deep
caress shoulders
long hair through fingers
eye to eye
shimmering skin
embrace then apart

together again
snap smiling pictures
drink guava nectar
from my chest
from your belly
lick your teats
you cry out
jackfruit hangs pendulous
from an erect branch

firm jungle wood
planted deep
heart pounding heart
tongue to sweat
tropical juices

and away
from afar
writing words

Symphony and Film

Although last night’s performance of the San Francisco Symphony was generally poor, I did enjoy parts of Fauré’s “Suite from Pelléas and Mélisande.” The main problem was the guest conductor Yan Pascal Tortelier and his renditions of Britten’s “Les Illuminations” and Mozart’s “Symphony No. 39 in E-flat major” were very disappointing. It was fun to play with my new Sidekick PDA phone right in Symphony Hall though. I went with David and we had dinner at Ananda Fuara with his roommate Tommy beforehand. It was great to visit with them and I invited them by for tea at my place afterwards.

Today, after a grueling 4.5 hour Online Policy Group board meeting, I joined Steve and Olof for the film “Blind Spot” (“Im toten Winkel”), an interview of one of Hitler’s secretaries. It was oddly compelling and answered some of the questions that were lingering in my mind about the end of one of the most horrifying human personalities ever to have lived. It’s an excellent set of interviews of an interesting person who witnessed an odd part of history.


Today is also kind of special because I will be having lunch with Gina, who is a potential mother for our baby. We haven’t met in several weeks, since before I went to Brazil. She and her lesbian partner have been getting closer, so it’s clear that I’ll have to meet her partner if things are going to move forward. So, I’ll meet just with Gina today so she can decide if she wants to take the relationship and the possibilities to the next level. Wish me luck! 🙂

Feeling Better

This morning I woke up feeling better!

I still have the remnants of a sore throat, but I was able to do some yoga and I feel even better after the yoga. It’s like a feedback loop.

I’ve sent and received more email from Paul. He’s not sure that he wants to visit San Francisco anymore… we’ll have to wait and see. During yoga, I realized that I am doing what I can to strengthen my connection with him and that I still feel strongly for him. I realized that I am an amazing person! I will make a great boyfriend for him if he chooses that path.

In the meantime, I need to keep up my connections with other people in my life as well. It was good to get a call from Jon about going to hear a queer band last night, even though I wasn’t up for it. I tried calling Rodney who I met at Breitenbush a second time… he seems really busy and unresponsive. He and his housemate James are planning a trip to San Francisco at the beginning of April. I may or may not be back from my trip to New York for the Computers, Freedom, & Privacy conference in time to see them. I haven’t heard from Lance in awhile… I was thinking that perhaps shaving my goatee had turned him off or that the chemistry may just not be there anymore. No word at all from Steve… I’ll let him take whatever initiative there will be. Guy and Jey will have their game night tonight, but I can’t go because I’ll be at the Symphony with David.

I’d like to see if I can set up a trip to Seattle to see my new-born baby nephews. It would be great to see Cob at the same time, unless he decides to make his way to San Francisco before then.


Despite all that great yoga I was doing, I managed to get a nasty post-Breitenbush cold. So I’ve spent the last couple of days working from home. It isn’t as bad as the colds usually are, but I’m not feeling up to riding my bike to work and doing my full yoga workout. I did manage to move the TV off the Soloflex machine so I’m occasionally doing exercises on it now.

I scheduled a minor medical procedure for June 10 and Jack was kind enough to say he’d pick me up afterwards.

Catching Up on OPG

Since work at EFF has been a bit slow, I’ve had a chance to catch up on the backlog of tech support requests and donor thank-you letters at the Online Policy Group. Next, I have to make sure the bills get paid and prepare for the OPG Board meeting this Saturday.

The organization is growing slowly but surely and there are some transitions happening, some of them challenging. Good news is that Deborah has started helping with the tech support stuff and it looks like Constant will handle grant writing for awhile. But it looks like Biella will be cutting way back on her commitment due to her need to finish up her PhD program and take care of an ailing mother. She has contributed lots of effort and I really appreciate what she has done.

Mercedes Lackey and Other Reading

I finished reading “Take a Thief” and another Mercedes Lackey novel called “Storm Warning.” I’m getting a sense of the continuity of plot and characters throughout her entire Valdemar series. I’ll probably have to return some others “Firebird,” “The Ship Who Searched,” and “The Serpent’s Shadow” before finishing them.

I’m also reading “Queer in Russia” by Laaurie Essig.


OK, so Paul postponed an IM chat with me yesterday so that he could hang out some more with a new Brazilian guy he met named Bruno. He finds him very handsome and wants to spend lots of time with him before Bruno has to go back to where he lives in Northern Brazil on Sunday.

I was disappointed that Paul cancelled our instant message date because I wanted to connect with him this week. I also have to remind myself that last week I was away at Breitenbush and wasn’t communicating with Paul. I guess the important thing is that we both have happy fulfilling lives even when we are not together.

I also have to consider the possibility that I am just one in a line of week-long affairs that Paul has with guys visiting from out of town. Hopefully, we have more of a connection than that. I certainly feel more. Only time will tell.