Columbia University Will Divest From Private Prison Companies

“Columbia University trustees voted Monday to divest from for-profit prison companies because of concerns about mass incarceration, becoming the first major university to do so….”

“Gordon, chair of an advisory subcommittee, said the group is considering whether Columbia should divest from fossil fuel companies as a stand against global warming.”

More at Huffington Post

Fewer Poor Uninsured After Health Law, Study Finds

Obamacare has been (and continues to be) an unequivocal success story at obtaining health coverage for poor folks in the U.S. according to recent findings by the National Health Interview Survey, confirming earlier polling by Gallup and others:

person signing up for healthcare coverage“In all, about 32 percent of poor Americans were uninsured in 2014, down from 39 percent in 2013. The share of near poor Americans who were uninsured declined to 31 percent from 39 percent.

“In states that expanded Medicaid, the share of people under the age of 65 who were uninsured stood at 10.9 percent in 2014, down from 14.9 percent the year before. In states that did not expand, where uninsured rates were higher to begin with, the share dropped far less, to 16 percent from 18.4 percent in 2013.

“Mr. Levitt said the law seemed to have had a greater effect on the long-term uninsured. The report found that the share of Americans uninsured for more than a year dropped to 9.7 percent from 12.4 percent, compared to a drop of about one percentage point for people who had been uninsured for just part of the past year.”

More at NY Times

Net of Insecurity: A Disaster Foretold — and Ignored

Excellent article about the history of computer security and grey-hat hackers:

“The seven young men sitting before some of Capitol Hill’s most powerful lawmakers weren’t graduate students or junior analysts from some think tank. No, Space Rogue, Kingpin, Mudge and the others were hackers who had come from the mysterious environs of cyberspace to deliver a terrifying warning to the world.”

More at Washington Post

German Man Follows Divorce Rules and Gives His Ex-Wife Literally Half of Everything

“As we all know, divorce can get really, really nasty. Like really nasty. Case in point, one man in Germany who goes by the name “Der Juli” online, is giving his ex-wife, Laura, exactly half by lovingly sawing in half all of their joint assets. She gets her half and he gets his half. Makes perfect sense, right?”

More at Dangerous Minds