Fifteenth Annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Queer Longhair Party

The fifteenth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Party was lots of fun. Thanks especially to Guy for setup help, Scott and Mike for lighting, Scott for bringing and handing out the hairy name badges, and everyone who brought refreshments or helped out in one way or another. Bill and Robert, who couldn’t attend due to having a baby two days before the party, made special appearances at the party by video call, as did Andrew from Colorado. The party went smoothly this year with lots of visitors from near and far and lots of good times and new and renewed friendships and connections.

Special bonus shot of Herb and Jae at the Hole in the Wall during the Folsom Street Fair.


Thanks to Christoph for the photos ze took at the party:

Fourteenth Annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Queer Longhair Party

The fourteenth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Party was a grand success, despite mistakenly being identified as the thirteenth annual, which was last year. Thanks especially to Fruitboy, Keleb, Scott, and Mike for setup help, to Scott for bringing and handing out the hairy name badges, to Matt and Scott for some of the photographs below, and to everyone who helped out in one way or another. The party went especially smoothly this year with lots of good times and new and renewed friendships and connections.

Thirteenth Annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Queer Longhair Party

Despite host Stardust having the flu, the thirteenth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Party was a grand success. Thanks especially to Fruitboy, Scott, Guy, and Mike for setup help, to Scott for bringing the hairy name badges, to Sierra for cleanup help, and to everyone who helped out in one way or another. The camaraderie from you folks makes it worthwhile to host this party year after year.

2010 San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Gathering

Here are some videos from the twelfth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Gathering:

Here are some pictures from the twelfth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Gathering:

Note: If you want any picture of you removed, just let me know.

For more pictures of the gathering from Absalom, go here.

Cayenne Celebrates the Big 60th Birthday!

A good time was had by all at Cayenne’s 60th birthday party here in San Francisco.

I performed a poem called “The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo” by Gerard Manley Hopkins in full ponce drag.

Other performers included Jim e Sparklepants, Ryan Mintz with his new hit “Welcome Home”, Peggy Leggs (thanks for helping with my makeup sweety!), Bimbo the Clown, Charley pole dancing, and a host of luscious models working the runway in the fashual (fashion ritual) organized by Jack Davis. After all the entertainment, Jack Davis led a ritual offering to Cayenne of all that those gathered felt he desired and deserved, followed by Cayenne speechifying a bit then cutting the amazing cake.

Check out the pictures and videos I took of the event (and please let me know if you’d like anything removed):

Partial Clip of Introduction to First Performance Set at Cayenne’s Birthday Party:

Jim e Sparklepants Performs Song for Cayenne’s Birthday:

Stardust Channels Gerard Manley Hopkins Reading “The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo” for Cayenne’s Birthday:

Ryan Performs “Welcome Home” for Cayenne’s Birthday: (you can also see and hear Ryan performing “Welcome Home” at and please make contributions at so he can create his next album) 😉

Ryan Performs “Change” Song for Cayenne’s Birthday:

Keith Hennessey’s Comments for Cayenne’s Birthday:

Peggy Legg’s Song for Cayenne’s Birthday:

Bimbo the Clown Sings Cayenne a Birthday Song:

Charley’s Pole Dance for Cayenne’s Birthday:

Charley’s Pole Dance for Cayenne’s Birthday, Part 2:

Fashual (Fashion Ritual) Presenting the Jack Davis Collection (coming soon!)

Ritual for Cayenne’s Birthday Led by Jack Davis:

Cayenne’s Expression of Birthday Gratitude:

Cayenne Speechifying and Cutting the Birthday Cake: