Piano Repair Needed

IMG_4154_1O dear! My beloved Kawai upright piano has a problem with the retractable keyboard cover.

Here’s what the piano looks like:




IMG_4163_1The retractable cover has three hinges each with three screws on each side to attach the outermost section of the keyboard cover to the main portion of the keyboard cover. (Click on the photo to see a larger version.)



IMG_4161_1 IMG_4162_1The left and middle hinges are completely unattached from the outermost section of the keyboard cover, leaving the right hinge, which is only partially attached. In fact, the outermost section of the keyboard cover is close to falling off completely.








IMG_4151Here’s a closer look at all three hinges (left to right): IMG_4152 IMG_4153







All the hinges on the sheet music holder foldout section and elsewhere on the keyboard cover are fine.

I have some, but not all of the screws that have fallen out.

Fifteenth Annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Queer Longhair Party

The fifteenth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Party was lots of fun. Thanks especially to Guy for setup help, Scott and Mike for lighting, Scott for bringing and handing out the hairy name badges, and everyone who brought refreshments or helped out in one way or another. Bill and Robert, who couldn’t attend due to having a baby two days before the party, made special appearances at the party by video call, as did Andrew from Colorado. The party went smoothly this year with lots of visitors from near and far and lots of good times and new and renewed friendships and connections.

Special bonus shot of Herb and Jae at the Hole in the Wall during the Folsom Street Fair.


Thanks to Christoph for the photos ze took at the party:

Fourteenth Annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Queer Longhair Party

The fourteenth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Party was a grand success, despite mistakenly being identified as the thirteenth annual, which was last year. Thanks especially to Fruitboy, Keleb, Scott, and Mike for setup help, to Scott for bringing and handing out the hairy name badges, to Matt and Scott for some of the photographs below, and to everyone who helped out in one way or another. The party went especially smoothly this year with lots of good times and new and renewed friendships and connections.

Greywater System Installation

With the help of my friend Francis and the great folks at the SF Public Utilities Commission greywater pilot program, I’ve installed a greywater system to take water exiting from my laundry machine for use in the backyard. It requires using an environmentally safe laundry detergent, but is otherwise really easy to use and saves lots of water (lower bills, good for the environment).

Here are some pictures of the installation process in my backyard:

Thirteenth Annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Queer Longhair Party

Despite host Stardust having the flu, the thirteenth annual San Francisco Folsom Fair Eve Queer Longhair Party was a grand success. Thanks especially to Fruitboy, Scott, Guy, and Mike for setup help, to Scott for bringing the hairy name badges, to Sierra for cleanup help, and to everyone who helped out in one way or another. The camaraderie from you folks makes it worthwhile to host this party year after year.

Possum in the Hood

I saw one of these critters around midnight on my next-to-next-door neighbors fence bordering the community garden steps where I often walk home.

A Virginia opossum is not a usual site around here… at first I thought it must have been a raccoon, a cat, or a rat, but its face kind of glowed in the dark almost like an owl and its long snout and tail were a giveaway.