Candomblé Souls

Trancing on drum beats and chanting
Welcome to the Orishas,
Passion seizes candomblé souls
White-clad in a circle of power.

The spirit possesses —

Ogum bares his iron sword
threatening conflict and war.

Oxum flows around him
water contained in land.

Omolú shakes his straw-covered head
eyes hiding death and disease.

Iansã blows and storms,
unstoppable force of nature.

Oxossi hunts his inevitable prey
providing food and prosperity.

Xangô twirls breathing fire,
flames thundering from his limbs.

Iemanjá, siren of the sea,
hears fisherman ask for protection and plenty.

The spirit possesses —

Eyes rolled up white
Bodies trembling in ecstacy
Welcome to the Orishas!


[Thanks to the Balé Folclórico de Bahia for an excellent performance in Salvador, Brazil.]

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