Ethiopia Reprise: Final Days in Addis Ababa

On February 27 and 28, I readied myself for departure from Addis. I made my final visit to the Internet cafe and the guy there who helped me out.

I took some pictures of the Finfine Hotel because it’s a beautiful place to stay, especially with the thermal waters available for bathing in the ample bathroom.

Public bulletin boards campaign against AIDS.

Schoolchildren walking home on the streets of Addis.

I visited the Ethiopian Ethnological Museum {?} on the University of Addis Ababa campus. They didn’t permit photography inside the museum, so these pictures are of the outside of the museum building and the university grounds, along with a couple of students from southern Ethiopia I met and with whom I chatted.

I called up Paulos from Piazza after visiting the university. I wanted to meet him once more before heading out of town. He invited me back to his place. His apartment is basically one room, an eight-foot cube packed into a little compound with other rooms of similar size where other people live. His friend Abdela Assiz was chewing chaat, a leafy stimulant common in Africa, at his place when we arrived.

Here is the spot where Paulos and I met. The locals call it Satan Bet, which means the devil’s house. When the theater first opened, some residents thought its music and theater productions would corrupt everyone. Now, everyone is used to it.

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