Vivek Out, Cob Maybe In?

I’m very excited by the possibility that Cob may move in to 304 Winfield Street to fill the vacancy left by Vivek when he moves to Washington, DC, for a job.

Cob has wonderful ideas about fresh-baked bread, organic gardening, and other ways to help out around the house while he is pursuing his study of music and memory techniques, such as memory palaces.

I think he would bring wonderful gifts to our home, as well as to me personally.

He currently estimates a better than half chance he will move in, although he’s also considering a possible situation in Portland, Maine, and he told me to go ahead and advertise the room in case he isn’t able to move here.

Yesterday, I called Grammy (Ruth Bloomfield) to wish her a happy birthday. She tells me she is getting blind and deaf, but otherwise is in reasonable health. She praised her children (my mother Anita and my uncle Mark) and especially her husband (Grampy aka Alexander Bloomfield) for taking such good care of her. She asked me to come visit again soon, which I definitely should try to do somehow, although I haven’t been in traveling mode lately.

Today is Virginia Davidson’s birthday, so I have to remember to call her as well to arrange for some kind of get-together. I love the hermaphrodite mask she recently gave me, which I have hung in the stairwell mask gallery at my place. It extends the collection of miniature hermaphrodite sculptures she has given me in the past.

Brunch and Stephen Funk Benefit

Today I went to a brunch at Eric and Mitcho’s place near Noe and 15th Street. It was a brunch with mimosas and fruit salad and stuff for folks going to the Up Your Alley Fair (the fair formerly known as the Dore Alley Fair).

I had a great time at brunch, then went off to a benefit for queer conscientious objector Stephen Funk, organized by Tommi Avicolli Mecca and others. Funk, a reservist who refused to go to war in Iraq, received a standing ovation from attendees at the event. I told him of my draft registration stance in the early 80s, donated $50 to his defense fund, and wished him well. His attorney was also there and spoke about the case.

I met Zach Syzmanski, a Bay Area Reporter reporter at the Funk benefit. We ended up hanging out for several hours afterwards talking mostly about gender and sex, some fascinating stuff. We walked to the Mission, ate at Pakwan, and had warm beverages at a cafe that I hadn’t tried before on 16th Street near Valencia I think.

By that time, I was too exhausted to go to the Up Your Alley Fair, so went home. I relaxed for awhile, conversed with Cob who will likely meet up with me on Wednesday, then watched Part II of Ken Burns’ American Experience program about the woman’s suffrage movement, which was truly excellent. I treasured the way the documentary brought alive the stories of the untiring dedication of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, their love and their conflicts with one another, as well as the eventual achievement of the right for women to vote in the U.S. after both of their deaths, culminating decades of activism.

Studying Spanish

I’ve been studying Spanish for awhile now and I’m gradually getting the hang of it. The primary motivator was speaking with Paul, and it’s great to be able to practice with him in real-life conversations. I’ve contacted a local queer Spanish speakers group and will probably start attending their events next month.

Cob on His Way

Cob left this morning to stay with Wolfie at Chaos house for another day before heading up to Wolf Creek to prepare for the faerie gathering there.

We had a good visit, at times a bit melodramatic, yet overall very enjoyable.

This morning before breakfast, we hung the second mask he gave me in the stairway mask gallery at my place. It’s a wonderful devil mask. I hope to create a theatrical production that can make use of that mask and the fire mask he also gave me. He’s trying to persuade me to take his puppet theater for the cost of materials, but I don’t see how we could transport it from Seattle to San Francisco. I’m surprised he doesn’t want to keep it around in case he gets the urge to do more puppeteering!

Last evening, we drank a Dutch chocolate liqueur called Vermeer and sang while both playing the piano together. I learned some Irish airs.

Earlier in the day we met in Berkeley and tried to walk to have a drink at the Starry Plough, but unfortunately it was closed when we arrived.

Cob has opened himself up to new forms of intimacy while with me, which was quite interesting and exciting. He’s growing in a lot of ways. I look forward to hanging out with him again soon.


Paul and I are still chatting regularly online and sometimes by phone. He is seeing a Dutch guy named Ivo long distance.

I don’t think I felt up to recounting here how he told me by phone one day that I am not “the one” for him. He “broke it off” with another guy named Bruno on the same day. Bruno basically said whatever and cut off communication. I told Paul I still really care about him and still want to see him.

I’ve realized that I love him whether or not he loves me.

I’ve realized that the situation is not unhealthy unless I make it so. For example, as a result of my connection with Paul, I feel better about exercising and I’m trying to learn Spanish. These are overall positive effects on my life.

Paul tells me that we may visit each other at some point after he returns to Cordoba where he lives in Argentina. I think it would be fun to take a trip to Buenos Aires to see the political developments there, then to tour a bit around Argentina and visit Paul.


Cob is a trip. When we are in each other’s presence, I have a great time. The conversation is great as is making love. We’re exploring some interesting dynamics around power and consensuality through mild S/M fantasies. It’s when he’s not around that I experience difficulties, the uncertainty because he can’t seem to plan when he can be here. So, I try to leave space in my schedule for his arrival which ends up in frustration as I miss opportunities when he doesn’t show up at the time I hoped he would. We’ve discussed the situation. He’s now travelling for a couple of months without a home. I’m in my work and live at home routine. So our needs are probably a bit different. Hopefully, this will work out. I’d like us to spend more time together.

I was a bit surprised when he told me about relations that he was having with a woman we both know. Somehow, I hadn’t realized he is bisexual. I’ve felt brief bouts of jealousy for his liaisons whatever the gender. I work it through in about ten minutes each time. As long as he lets me know what’s going on and as long as he is playing safe, I’m fine with it.

Cob Visit, Mouse in the House

Cob (Jacob), who I met at the last Breitenbush radical faerie gathering, will be visiting my place starting tomorrow for about a week. I’m looking forward to getting to know him better.

In other news, we’ve had a mouse running around the kitchen for about a week. My housemate Jack got a mousetrap, but the darn mouse has so far evaded it.

Jack and I have started jamming, him on the electric guitar and me on the bass guitar. He bought me a book to help me learn how to play better.

de lejos

soporte en un paso abajo
charla en su oído
muchedumbre ruido música
tire de mí llano
empuje su pecho en el míos
pezones que zumban vientre abajo
reunión de los arcos
la bebida agarra lujuria que cuida
llevándonos abajo

miramos a esos izquierda detrás
conclusión asentado
otra vez en las

sus labios y mina llenos
presione entonces profundo ligero
acaricio hombros
pelo largo a través de los dedos
ojo al ojo
piel reluciente
abrace entonces aparte

junto otra vez
sacar fotos sonrientes
bebemos el néctar de la guayaba
de mi pecho
de su vientre
lamo sus pezones
el jackfruit maduro cuelga oscilante
de un rama erguido

madera firme de la selva
plantado profundamente
el corazón golpea el corazón
lengüeta a sudar
jugos tropicales

y lejos
de lejos
palabras de la escritura

from afar

stand on a step below
talk in your ear
crowd noise music
pull me level
push your chest on mine
tits tingling belly down
arcs meet
drink seizes caring lust
carrying us down

gaze to those left behind
ending seated
again on

your full lips and mine
press light then deep
caress shoulders
long hair through fingers
eye to eye
shimmering skin
embrace then apart

together again
snap smiling pictures
drink guava nectar
from my chest
from your belly
lick your teats
you cry out
jackfruit hangs pendulous
from an erect branch

firm jungle wood
planted deep
heart pounding heart
tongue to sweat
tropical juices

and away
from afar
writing words